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لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008 1711_md_13109192161
منتديات درة بلادي
لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008 1711_md_13109192161
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لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008 Collapse_tcat
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 لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008

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لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008 Swimmi10
لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008 Accoun10
لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008 110
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مُساهمةموضوع: لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008   لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008 Emptyالخميس يناير 07, 2010 8:39 am

لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008

PC Game
Genre: Fighting, Wrestling
| ******s | THQ | 413 MB

WWE RAW (Formerly WWF RAW) is a video game released on the Xbox console and the PC by THQ in 2002. All copies of the PC port and later copies of the Xbox original were titled WWE Raw due to the World Wrestling Federation's lawsuit with the World Wildlife Fund, causing the company to change their name to WWE (although the in-game logos still carried the WWF logo).

Every Monday night, the millions…and millions of fans tune in to witness the awesome power of RAW. Now WWE fanatics everywhere can battle with more than 35 WWE Superstars replicated in amazing detail. That’s right, WWE Raw for the PC places you in the squared circle with some of the nastiest men on the planet. Go one-on-one with high-flying athletes and brutal brawlers in a variety of match types. Harness the brute force of each superstar’s finishing moves to annihilate opponents. A TV-style presentation brings each match-up to life with authentic Superstar entrances, thousands of frenzied fans, pyrotechnics, flash bulb effects and double feature replays. Set up King of the Ring Tournaments against the computer or with three of your buddies for the ultimate challenge.

Originally stated to be an X-box launch game, numerous delays pushed back the game from November 2001 to February 2002. Due to a recent string of lawsuits directed towards the WWF blaming the company for youth injuries, the game's blood effects were removed. In earlier builds of the game, wrestlers would bleed realistically from different body ********s, and drip blood on the mat, which would remain there and darken to a brown color as time passed. The PC version of this game can be modded. This means that it can be modified and updated to the players liking.

Requirements to play TE:
WWE Raw: Total Edition can be played on the
minimum-recommended specifications:

******s 98/ME/XP compatible PC with DirectX 8
Pentium III/500MHz Processor
3D Graphics Card
128 MB RAM
705 MB of free Hard Drive Space
DirectX certified sound card
100% Microsoft compatible mouse and keyboard


1-)Rar dan cıkartın Setup Kurun
2-)Oyuna Girin we Oynayın

Not: Çok Geç Doluyor Sabır...

Oyun Hakkında

Sistem Gereksinimleri:
******s 98/ME/XP compatible PC with
DirectX 8 Pentium III/500MHz Processor
3D Graphics Card
705 MB of free Hard Drive Space
128 MB RAM
DirectX certified sound card 100%

Microsoft compatible mouse and keyboard

لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008 2lj6e52

لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008 Wrj7o2

لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008 Fkmuxd

لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008 Yi9ky

لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008 28727045az5
اولا ضع الرد بعدين حمل اذا مابدك تضع رد لا تحمل

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008 Db1
مهند صالحين ; توقيع العضو
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

لعبة المصارعة الحرة الشهيرة (WWE RAW: Total Edition (2008

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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